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Knottinghill and Community Giving

We at Knottinghill Bowties have long supported charitable causes in both Houston, and for the last four years, Palm Springs. The Pandemic has been hard on all of us. With the temporary suspension of social events, we no longer get gussied up. Did Stefan just say "gussied"??)

Yes, he did. Well, be prepared to get gussied up. With the temporary suspension of new bowtie products, Knottinghill has instead jumped into even more community involvement.

The LGBT Center of Palm Springs operates a food bank, distributing food to those in need. And right now, there is a LOT of need.

Enter Stefan, who was asked to produce masks for the food bank volunteers. I then decided that Knottinghill would then head up a fundraiser for the food bank by selling handmade bespoke masks, made of 100% cotton prints, lined with brushed cotton, and confortable elastic ear loops.

These are being added to our website for a donation price of $10 each, and an option to add more if you are able. All funds raised go directly to support the food bank. ALL of it. Knottinghill is donating all of the material and time. Even the marketing and web support has been graciously donated. As we all know, "It takes a village".

The website will go live with masks before the end of the week, I will send out another blast to celebrate that!

Thank you for your support, and remember to wear your mask. And at restaurants remember the new mantra "stand up, mask up!" Lets get through this in style!




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